Over the past 10 years post college my faith in humanity has been deteriorating. Pastors who you would assume would do great things, do the opposite. Friends you think are friends, well often are not. Family who you would think would have your back, would rather destroy you. My world view has been destroyed by those close to me, as well as those from afar.
My interactions with people have led me to have better relationships with my fur family. You read that right, fur family. No matter what, I can always trust they will love me. They may have a bad day and sit and chew on something they know they shouldn’t. However, when it comes down to it they show more love than the world full of humans does to each other.
As a stay at home dad the past 6 years I’ve witnessed dads treated entirely different than moms. Commercially everything caters to moms, with no intent to cater to dads who otherwise excel doing the same job. For the past 6 years, not one person other than family has bothered to help me with my children when it’s evident an extra hand might occasionally be needed. I’ve had doors shut in my face while carrying my son, and holding my daughters hand. If I was a woman, and or a mother, you bet people would run to help hold a door. Why can’t the same be done for fathers?
Today was the first time in 6 years I had someone help me out. I was cleaning Braeden and a table up at Del Taco after he was feeding himself beans. I was running out of napkins as most of the food made it to his face but not to his mouth. Out of the blue a kind stranger came over and brought me extra napkins. When finished I picked Braeden up and the same man walked over and took the high chair back to where it belongs. He acknowledged that I had my hands full. My faith in humanity has been restored, at least a little bit. One person’s act of kindness can go a long way to making someones day.
So if you see a dad with children in their arms, oblige them by holding a door for them as you would a mother. Offer to help clean up a mess if a baby may be crying. Fathers may need just as much help as mothers and even if they don’t the courtesy of offering help can make their day. He sure made mine.
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