Lately we have been really busy with the monotonous routine of work, business, kids, eat, sleep, poop, and repeat. For a while now my Aunt talked about taking us to her river house north of Blythe. We finally found time to meet up.
I hate the heat. Give me snow over a hot day, most days. We finally set a date to go to the river, and of course it’s near 110 degrees. Not my cup of tea. Add a 9 month old to the mix, and I didn’t know how it was going to go. Well, it went far better than I expected. We spent most of the time in the water.
While we were in the water I got a photo for my Instagram page (pictured above). Plus a bunch others of family (pictured below).
This is the first time Jolene, Johanna, Braeden, and myself have spent pure quality time with my Aunt’s family. We’ve seen them on holidays and parties, but this is the first time we’ve been under one roof for an extended time. It was well time spent. Braeden loved the water. The river was a big bathtub for him. He smiled all weekend. Uncle Nic’s boat didn’t quite work, as the boat’s new engine began to leak oil. However, since he also recently bought new wave runners we spent most our time riding them. I haven’t road a jet ski in nearly 20 years. It’s not like riding a bike where you never forget, at least not for me. I took Johanna on it on our first ride. That didn’t go too well. After riding alone it all came back. Johanna got back on and had a blast. “This is the best thing ever” she said as we tried to catch up to Uncle Cole. Johanna definitely wants to get one of her own. Maybe in a couple years. Maybe a boat too. Maybe I’ll have to buy a truck, just maybe. Maybe more than maybe.
Saturday night we took their RZR’s for a nighttime run, concluded with a bonfire and s’mores in the desert. One of the best things about the desert is the view of the sky at night. For a stargazer, an unmolested sky by city lights is a sight to behold. I didn’t bring my tripod for any night photography, as it was near a full moon. However, the moon did come up later than I anticipated which allowed me to snap a photo without a tripod. So I did get a few shots of the Milky Way. I got the RZR in a photo as well.
After we got back to the house to sleep, I realized that I left my GoPro on the RZR. It flew out while going over a bump. The next morning Uncle Nic and Paislie went out and found it on the trail. I got extremely lucky and was able to pull off some photos. Plus it saved me from having to buy a new one. Thanks Nic and Paislie.
Going to the river was a fun trip and something I look forward to doing again in the future. It does change my outlook on life. We set our goals in life based on a certain perspective, a view only affected by our experiences. If we don’t experience things different from our monotonous routines, then we really don’t know what we are missing. Going on a short trip like this makes me see things differently. Relaxation is only short drive away. It doesn’t take a 6 hour flight to another country. Just some water, time, family, and luck that your vehicle doesn’t break down. Guess you should have kept your 2015 pickup, right James? Jim out!
Second Cousins
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