Johanna’s First Day of Kindergarten

by , on
Aug 8, 2017

Today was the big day.  Johanna’s first day of kindergarten.  She took her Ariel backpack and lunch tote and began her journey as a school girl.  As a father what comes to mind for me?  I’m getting old.

Tag Is Not Permitted in Schools

by , on
Aug 4, 2017
Tag is not permitted in schools

Johanna begins her first year of school next week. She grew up fast, too fast.  Did I just say too fast?  It seemed like yesterday I was counting seconds.  She begins kindergarten at Sundance Elementary in Beaumont California. Jolene was combing through the rules and regulations of students. Specifically she was looking at the Student Behavioral Expectations pamphlet. One of the rules state that “tag/chase is never permitted.” Running is also not allowed.  Additionally you can never touch another student. Not just in the no-no area, but at all.  Johanna loves to hug.  I’m prepared for the phone calls already. What really bugs me though is that tag is not permitted in schools.

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