My name is Timothy Bearden.  11 years ago I got married to my high school sweetheart.  My wife’s name is Jolene.  6 years ago my daughter was born.  Her name is Johanna.  Recently my son Braeden was born on September 17, 2017.  Together Johanna and Braeden lighten our home with joy.  With us is our cat Echo and our four k9 pack members named Athena, Alice, Willow, and Glacier.

I am a photographer, a dog enthusiast, blog enthusiast, and most importantly a stay at home dad.  Luckily I have the benefit of Jolene working only 3 days a week as a nurse.  This site is dedicated to my life taking care of my children and family.  It is my hope to inspire others to take a leap in raising their own children ignoring societal pressures urging them not to.

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